Board of Directors

The following is a list of the current BCIA Board of Directors and their responsibilities. Should you wish to ask a question of any of them, please send it to [email protected] and we will forward your request.

 Leslie Sherlin, PhD, QEEG-D, BCB, BCN
 BCIA Chair
 Mesa, AZ
 Neurofeedback Certification, Peak/Optimal Performance


Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB, BCB-HRV
Kirksville, MO
Education, Certification Exams, Website, New Media, Finance, HRV


Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB, BCB-HRV
BCIA Chair Elect
Boston, MA
Biofeedback Certification, HRV, Mentoring, Finance


Randy Lyle, PhD, BCN
Board Member/Past Chair
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Neurofeedback Certification, Education, Finance


Don Moss, PhD, BCB, BCN, BCB-HRV
Board Member
Grand Haven, MI
Ethics, HRV, International


Dave Hagedorn, PhD, BCN
Board Member
Jacksonville, NC
Neurofeedback Certification, Ethics


Sarah Aguilar-Prinsloo, PhD, BCN
Board Member
Houston, TX
Neurofeedback Certification

Christine Sanchez, PhD, BCB
Board Member
Virginia Beach, VA
Biofeedback Certification