International Training & Seminars



You are required to submit a program evaluation within 30 days of the completion of the course in order to get didactic credit toward certification. All information will be summarized and shared with the specific training provider with no link to a specific person.

Online Trainings - Due to COVID-19, many of the training programs listed below are offering the same course as before, but they use distance education training methods.  Please visit ALL the programs listed below regardless of country to broaden your choices.

Online Proctoring - Currently there are NO face-to-face exams. All pre-approved applicants who can document appropriate education, training, license, and experience may register for the exam by using our online proctoring service that allows for individual testing on your own computer. They use cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor exam security. Contact BCIA [email protected] to learn more.

Upcoming Seminars:

BCIA-Australia: Neurofeedback Clinical Forum

Friday - Sunday 7-9th June 2024, Rydges Esplanade, 209-217 Abbott St, Cairns, Queensland

Calling all BCIA-A Affiliates (BCNs Certified in Neurofeedback; current Applicants for certification) and colleagues interested in non-invasive neuromodulation for improved mental health and wellbeing; please join us for a winter getaway to tropical far north Queensland for this practical and informative weekend of professional development. You will learn with well-known leaders and practitioners in the field of EEG-guided assessment and intervention.


CLICK HERE for more details!


Spanish Language Online Didactic Training in the US

Boston Neurodynamics, LLC*
*This program was developed by experts with background in trauma and is offering both online and face to face formats.
Live virtual in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.

Boston Neurodynamics, LLC – (O, F, H) Spanish
Developed by experts with a background in trauma.
October 17 to December 12
Watertown, MA
(617) 855-9295 

Stress Therapy Solutions
BCIA Bootcamp In Spanish with Dolores Gaxiola
October 17, 18, 24 & 25, 2024

Functional Neuroanatomy taught in Spanish


Neurofeedback International Academy offers online video courses for practitioners anywhere in the world.
Live online and in-person training (BCIA blueprint didactic, Intermediate, Advanced)
Online video courses – - including:
- Neurofeedback Protocol Selection
- Learn to read the EEG for Neurofeedback (Fundamentals)
- Alpha-Theta
- BCIA mentoring case presentations
- QEEG Workshops
- Free resource – the business of home NFB training
Trainers: Dr. Moshe Perl, PhD, BCN, QEEGD and David Perl BE(hons)/BSc
Sydney, Australia
+61 (0)2 9646 6700


Offers didactic training as well as courses that work for BCIA recertification.
neuroCare Academy Courses include: BCIA Didactics- Neurofeedback in ADHD and Insomnia - BCIA-accredited to fulfill the didactic requirement for certification in neurofeedback.




Rock Therrien
7750 Boul Cousineau, Suite 301
St Hubert, QC J32OC8




Suzhou office
11F NO.9 Cuiwei Street
Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu, China   
Telephone: +86-512-62605181
Shanghai office
No.449 Hemu Village
Zhaoxiang Town, Qingpu,
Shanghai, China 
Telephone: +86-21-59886098


Ghada El-Khouly, MD, BCN
002/  01001100014
*** 2 training courses upcoming in July (4-6, 11-13) and December (19-21, 26-28) 2024.  CLICK HERE for more information.


+33 652 30 70 50



Offers didactic training as well as courses that work for BCIA recertification.
neuroCare Academy Courses include: BCIA Didactics- Neurofeedback in ADHD and Insomnia - BCIA-accredited to fulfill the didactic requirement for certification in neurofeedback.


*This program was developed by experts with background in trauma and is offering both online and face to face formats.
New in 2021 - Course offered online and in Spanish!
(617) 855-9295



Dr. Guiseppe Chiarenza, MD, PhD, BCN will be offering a BCIA-accredited neurofeedback course that fulfills the didactic requirement for BCIA certification. For more information, please visit www.giuseppechiarenza.itCLICK HERE for more information regarding upcoming online training in May 2024.

       Centro de Medicina e Sviluppo
       Treviso   Italy   31100
       Luciana Lorenzon
       [email protected]



The BCIA 36-hour neurofeedback didactic training will be provided through the BCIA-accredited Institute for Applied Neuroscience at various dates throughout the year.  Check with them for a schedule.


Mexico enjoys an affiliate relationship with BCIA - BCIA-Hispanoamerica or BCIA-H. This is a pathway for those in Spanish-speaking countries including those in Central and South America.
The Mexican Society for Bio and Neurofeedback now offers a BCIA-accredited didactic training program.  Please contact them for more information.


StressTherapy Solutions will offer the BCIA Neurofeedback Didactic course in Mexico City.
Neurofeedback Post-Graduate Program
Jointly offered with La Salle Bajío University and the Mexican Society for Bio and Neurofeedback (SMBN)
Dr. Letitia Chacon is the head of the university's neuroscience lab.   A postgraduate program will present the same content (BCIA blueprint) by the same highly qualified faculty providing a more comprehensive overview and practical training within each module as the duration of the program is 110 hours.


Biofeedback Workshops Europe will offer BCIA-accredited courses in Amersfoort presented by Danielle Matto, BCB.
The courses include:
  • Biofeedback Treatment of Hypertension - approved by BCIA for CE credit for recertification
  • Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback - accredited by BCIA to fulfill the didactic requirement for either the HRV Certificate of Completion or the  HRV Biofeedback Certification
  • Introduction to Biofeedback - accredited by BCIA to fulfill the didactic requirement for certification in Biofeedback
  • Stress profiling - accredited by the Dutch Psychology Association and the Dutch Physical Therapist Association (KNGF) and will be accepted for CE credit for recertification.

 Stens Academy/MindMedia

The BCIA 36-hour didactic training program will be offered with Mary Tracy, PhD, MFT, BCN as the instructor, as well as other courses such as Alpha-Theta.  Contact them with questions.


Offers didactic training as well as courses that work for BCIA recertification.
neuroCare Academy Courses include: BCIA Didactics- Neurofeedback in ADHD and Insomnia - BCIA-accredited to fulfill the didactic requirement for certification in neurofeedback.



InMindOut Emotional Wellness Center (O, H)
(888) 833-7833



Recorded webinar neurofeedback didactic course
Includes regularly held online community meetings for attendees.



Provide the required didactic instruction for BCIA certification. Learn about EEG signal patterns, qEEG assessments and data. Hands-on learning experience to learn to operate hardware, software, and run a training session. Discuss clinical assessment, protocol development, and client care. Courses offered in English and Mandarin.
To Register: Call ExeBrain at + 886 - 2 - 8797 - 5757 or Email us at : [email protected]


BCIA-Australiapresents an in-person (not-recorded)

BCIA-A Neurofeedback Clinical Forum

Friday - Sunday 7-9th June 2024,

Rydges Esplanade, 209-217 Abbott St, Cairns, Queensland


Calling all BCIA-A Affiliates (BCNs Certified in Neurofeedback; current Applicants for certification) and colleagues interested in non-invasive neuromodulation for improved mental health and wellbeing; please join us for a winter getaway to tropical far north Queensland for this practical and informative weekend of professional development.  You will learn with well-known leaders and practitioners in the field of EEG-guided assessment and intervention. 


 Activities (12 hours CPD)        NB: program subject to content variation


5pm – 6pm

Acknowledgement of Country

Happy Hour Networking ($25/person)



Welcome to Forum, Nia Barnes, BCIA-A Chair

9 – 9.30am

Re/Certification & Training Pathways for NFB and QEEG, M Aniftos

9.30 – 10.30am

Emerging Technologies in Neuromodulation:

-     Introducing EEG & Psychedelics for Depression or PTSD, S Asmussen.

-     AI-informed QEEG & Light Therapy, N Saunders/P Moorhead


Morning Tea

11am – 12.30pm

-     Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback, S Murdoch

-     Alpha-Theta Training Protocol, M Askovic

-     Infra Low Frequency, S Murdoch


Lunch (showcase/networking)


Neurofeedback Protocol Forum (& the role of Q/EEG to inform protocols)

BCN Multi-disciplinary Panel including past Presidents & Fellows of the Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia & guests


Afternoon Tea


Clinical and Business Considerations for Neurofeedback in health care services, BCN Panel – public & private sector represented




Onboarding (EEG) Clients Through Informed Consent (3hrs Ethical Practice).

M Aniftos; J Hegg 


Lunch (showcase/tradeshow)


Introduction to QEEG-Guided Neurofeedback Protocols (3hrs Essential Skills).

M Aniftos; J Hegg 


Thanks for participating. Travel home safely