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AAPB Virtual Presentation: The Pelvic Floor: Reporting from the Front Lines
Thursday, April 04, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST
Category: Events

What is the pelvic floor, and why is it the missing link with all the clients I see whether they are young or old, male or female, athletes or sedentary. We’ll take a brief tour of the anatomy, discuss the muscle fiber types, and explore all 3 layers of this important region. Learn the functions of the pelvic floor by observing a paper bag demonstration and other visuals. While pelvic floor dysfunction and exercise programming is mainly targeting older females, learn why people in a male body need to pay attention too, and experience the cues that work best to help all people connect to this area. Spend “a day in the life” of a Women’s Health Physical Therapist with clinical examples of typical patients and how internal and external biofeedback assists the clinician in treating a variety of diagnoses in this setting. After shining the spotlight on the pelvic floor, we’ll take a wide lens approach to understand the bigger picture and the important role the pelvic floor plays in your overall core control. Lastly, I’ll share some insight into how I approach exercise design for the following populations: teen girls, pregnant and postpartum patients, athletes, men, and the perimenopausal/postmenopausal client. 

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