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Migraine Treatment and Prevention with PIR HEG
Friday, March 18, 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MST
Category: Events

Passive infrared Hemoencephalography (pIR HEG) was developed by Dr. Carmen, and is a biofeedback system which helps one modulate blood flow and oxygenation to the frontal lobes of the brain. One of the most extensive HEG studies was carried out by Dr. Carmen, whose research focused on migraine headaches, was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Neurotherapy in 2004.

This technique is an enjoyable, active form of biofeedback. A comfortable, surface sensor is placed on the forehead while the patient watches a movie of their choice on the computer. The surface sensor picks up and reads the blood flow activity (thermal heat) in the frontal lobes of the brain. The information is transmitted through cables via a USB based bio- interface unit. The software then “feeds back” this data to the client through the digital video display, DVD. Dr. Carmen has taught hundreds of students in this method and continues to offer this in his practice in rural New York.

In this session, Dr. Carmen will present specific details on the nature of his pIR HEG system, along with operational paradigms and specific pIR HEG treatment approaches. In addition he will talk about pitfalls of using the system in a manner that does not match the needs of the client.


  • The participant will be able to identify those headache types that are likely to benefit from pIR HEG.
  • The participant will be able to explain the basic mechanisms involved in the application of pIR HEG to headaches.
  • The participant will be able to explain potential positive and negative side effects of proper/improper use of pIR HEG
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